OK, I like to gamble. A lot. Unfortunately, I'm not very good at it. The ABC's of gambling have no effect on me. In fact, I'm the guy invited over to play poker because SOMEONE's got to donate $40 to the winner. That's my Texas Hold 'Em role - stay in every hand, eat some pizza, drink a few beers, leave $40 dollars lighter. I'm not the only one out there. I can hear you breathing.
Of course, this sad fact hasn't driven the gambling gene from my body. Yet. So I have to find more creative ways to indulge, ones where I might actually have a shot. Blackjack is one. Knockout NFL pools are another. Miraculously, after three weeks, I'm still alive. It helps when you don't have to cover the spread, just pick a winner. I can DO this. Call it my gift.
A brief history of my picks so far this year:
Week 1 - NE. I've developed a strong dislike for Boston-area teams (see: SB XXXVI, 2004 WS), but I decided to throw Mrs. Rant's favorite team a bone. I was glad I was out of the house until NE tied the game at 17.
Week 2 - Ravens. I'm starting to think my HS team could compete with the Raiiiiiiders for at least a half. Gimme game on a weekend of gimme games.
Week 3 - Sehawks. Two thoughts here: NY had pulled off an emotional win at the Linc; all week we heard about this being a revenge game for the Giants. 35-0 Hawks at the half. Eli should be tested for colorblind-ness (which shade of blue is this? No, I'm sorry, you're wearing WHITE today). MAN I'm tired of being right.
So on to week 4. Here are the teams (and games) I recommend you choose a winner from:
1. ATLANTA (at home against Arizona). Cue the emotion theme from last week. Falcons get embarrassed on national (cable) TV in the Big Whine. Kurt Warner could put that loaf of bread in your bag, but not before he drops it 8 times. This game has possibilities.
2. DALLAS (at Tennessee). The Kerry Collins Experience is probably 2 weeks away from closing its doors forever. If you can't beat an atrocious Miami team, start selling insurance. LenDale White has shown more fight against all his teammates in practice than at any time on the field. Only trip hazard here is not only is it a road game, it's a road game involving Drew Bledsoe.
3. JACKSONVILLE (at Deadskins). Jag Hags KILLED the defending champs 2 weeks ago, but got handled in Indy. So some emotion there. The Potomac Warriors are a much better team with Clinton Portis scooting all over the field, but Pitt had a good running game - and we all know how that turned out when they played Jax.
4. PHILADELPHIA (at home against Lambeau Leapers). Team feels good after pushing around one of the Jay-Vee teams in the NFC West last week. The Iggles defense is much better than Detroit's, so Brett Favre's Ghost should have lots more trouble throwing the ball this week than he did last week. Oh, and the Lambeau Leapers have no running game.
Picking any of these 4 teams should get you through to the next week. Or you could pick the Lambs to beat Bert Lahr's favorite team - if, like, you want to live dangerously.
3 hours ago
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